Faith Sharing Worskhop



Course Overview:


Meeting #1

            Bible Study - John 1:44-51  “Come and See”

            Purpose of the workshop

            What is Faith Sharing?

Breaking down the stereotypes

            PE #1 – Tell about the person whom has most influenced your faith      

Why share our faith?


Meeting #2

            Bible Study - Luke 10 “The Sending of the 70”

Taking some of the fear of rejection away

Clergy and Laity

PE #2 – sharing part of ourselves in concrete terms

            Power of personal faith sharing


Meeting #3

Traits of people who effectively share their faith (you will be surprised!)

            Earning the privilege of sharing

            Role of prayer in sharing our faith

            PE #3 - Tell someone about your faith



Meeting #1


Bible Study John 1:44-51  “Come and See”

What did Phillip tell Nathaniel?

What was Nathaniel’s response?

What was Phillips challenge?


The purpose of this workshop: 

…To empower and encourage laity to invite other people to “come and see”…


What is Faith Sharing

Faith Sharing is one beggar telling other beggars where to find the bread of life.


Practical Exercise #1 - Breaking down the stereotypes


Why do we share our faith?

Commanded – but what’s God going to do, throw us in hell for not reaching out?

Waco, Xerox, Columbine, suicide, road rage, spouse abuse, people who die alone...

- Those who are walking with God do not do these things

- Those who are walking with God suffer less when tragedy happens.

Compassion for the lost hurting people in the world

Because what we have looks better than what the world has to offer.


Meeting #2


Bible Study Luke 10:1-2,9,16

(Luke 10:1‑2 RSV)  After this the Lord appointed seventy others, and sent them on ahead of him, two by two, into every town and place where he himself was about to come. {2} And he said to them, "The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few; pray therefore the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest.

(Luke 10:9 RSV) ...heal the sick in it and say to them, 'The kingdom of God has come near to you.'

(Luke 10:16 RSV)  "He who hears you hears me, and he who rejects you rejects me, and he who rejects me rejects him who sent me."

The 70 mean not just the apostles (clergy); it means everyone who is a disciple (laity).

What was the task?  What was the message?

What do you think this message means today?

Taking some of the fear out of rejection:

If they were rejected, whom were they really rejecting?

(Tell story of Dr Tuttle in his jail ministry)


Role of Holy Spirit in Faith Sharing

“When Christians assume they are responsible for preparing, evangelizing, and converting people, most of them shrink from such and awesome responsibility - for which they feel neither prepared or worthy.  But when Christians see that the Holy Spirit prepare people, and empowers and leads us to them, that he makes his appeal through us, and that he is responsible for revelation and conversion, Christians then feel liberated to perform their role with God’s mission.”  George Hunter III


            Prepare the hearts of those who will listen

            Responsible for others “conversions”

            We are only responsible to be led of the Spirit and invite others to  “Come and See”.


Practical Aspects of Faith Sharing - for Laity or Clergy?

What might be some of the pitfalls of waiting for Clergy to do it? 

What happens when the pastor leaves?

Who is more credible, those who are paid or those who “just do it”?         


PE #2 – Sharing Part Of Ourselves In Concrete Terms


The Power of Personal Faith Sharing

Suffice it her to say that I am convinced the only legitimate way to answer someone’s “why” question (“Why do you believe in God?”), having earned the right to speak, is to talk about your own personal experience with God.  What has God done for you lately?  That is what you can talk about with conviction, authority, and integrity.  It is the confirming evidence of your faith.  You cannot prove the existence of God to a non-believer, but you can speak about why you believe.  Richard Stoll Armstrong

What makes for powerful faith sharing?

What about those who never walked through “hell”?

Look for where God reveals where He has worked...   

“If you do not look, you will not see”

Recap: Sincerity, integrity, authority from personal experience.  


Don’t tell me what the scriptures say, tell me how God has impacted your life through the scriptures.


Meeting #3


Traits of people who effectively share their faith:

            Sincere, caring, generally quiet but confident in what they have to share.  

Integrity (no facades) [Hypocrites need not apply]

Authority – speak from some personal experience


Living right is not enough to bring people to faith

A Missionary Experience:

1. The danger of getting so caught up in the mechanics of helping, we forget the gospel.

2. Just meeting people’s needs does not bring them to Christ;

it only earns us the privilege to share with them.

The power of listening to other people - You are important to me.


The Specific Role of Prayer in Evangelism

1.         Praying for the Harvest

            Prevenient grace - the quickening of souls to respond

AUMC went door to door with poor results... why?  No prayer work!

2.         Getting prepared to share - being empowered.


PE #3 - Tell someone about your faith


Practical Exercise #1  - Breaking Down the Stereotypes


1.  What type of person does Evangelism?


2.  What are evangelist’s feelings toward non-Christians?


3.  What kinds of things do evangelists say?


4.  What are some of the things evangelists do?


5.  Brainstorm words associated with evangelism


(Positive)                                              (Negative)                                            (Neutral)







6.  Write the name of the person most responsible for your involvement with Christ in His church.


7.  What was this person like for you?


8.  How did they make you feel about your life?


9.  What words can you recall they shared with you that made a difference?


10.  What did the person do that helped make a difference in your life?



Who do you think are the REAL “evangelists”?


Practical Exercise #2 Sharing Part Of Ourselves In Concrete Terms


Share with a small group a description of the house you lived in when you were in Junior High School (about age 13).  Talk about the physical as well as the emotional environment.  Talk in as concrete terms as you can so that we can “see” this place.


Practical Exercise #3 Tell someone about your faith


In a small group, share a little a little about why you are a Christian, or what Christ has done in your life.  Put into your own words what you are inviting people to “come and see”.