Hello! Welcome to the page where I tell folks a little about myself.

"The problem with labels is that after you put them on, you still have to define them." I label myself a FLAMING MODERATE, in that I am on fire for God yet my theological positions are somewhat moderate depending on who you ask. I am not a biblical inerrantist (see my essay on "Scripture, an Interpretation"), which raises the eyebrows of the fundamentalists, yet I am a holiness preacher, which makes the liberals uneasy because many of them dont see the need to be changed.

My understanding of Holiness doctrine is not about a bunch of rules we keep, but letting God transform us by the renewing of our minds, until there is less and less sinful nature left to sin with. As we die to the flesh (sinful nature) we are raised up in Christ's nature (Agape-Love).  I think one of the things missing from the church today is the call to living transformed lives.  How we do this begins with the call to "radical" discipleship, and begin to walk in the Kingdom of God, even now.

One of the main fundamentals of my faith is that we are called into a right relationship with God. This requires that we get to know Him through prayer (dialog) and study. We can study until we are blue in the face but if we do not stop to listen to God, our studies will never be verified. We can pray until we are blue in the face, but if we do not study, we cut one of the critical resources God uses to communicate with us. Most importantly though, we will never get to know God unless we take the time to listen to what He specifically has to say to each of us. Leaning ABOUT God is not the same as getting to KNOW God.

I have many theological roots from all the worship communities have been part of. (Look at my Spiritual Growth Milestones under ROOTS.) What I have found is that God works in many lives in many ways and that God meets us where we are. This allows me to worship in just about any situation and style, I find a tremendous freedom in this! It has also freed me from having to say my theology is the only one that is right. I see my mission is to share how God has changed my life and my understanding of Him. God does not call people to a set of theological beliefs, He calls people to Himself. Since we are where we start, and God meets us where we are, some denominations will reach some, that other wont be able to.

Other stuff:

My Theology of Preaching

Why I am in the United Methodist Church

This is a paper I wrote on tongues for one of the members of my church.
"Tongues, an Interpretation"

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